How can we do this… legally?

By using basic electrical technology and our “recipe”  (Reactive Energy Controller

Including Power Enhancer).

The recommendations that we make will provide your facility with:
·         Improved power quality
·         Increased production
·         Reduced electric bills
We can analyze your power usage and then will recommend electrical energy

saving solutions that will be cost effective, and make your existing plant more

efficient, and last longer  too.
Our energy saving systems are passive and require no employee monitoring or

maintenance. Our systems improve power quality while at the same time provide

significant savings of  5  to 18%, (possibly more), depending on your

unique facility.

Our systems will normally recover your investment in 12 to 30 months, again

depending on the facility type, hours of operation and energy costs.

You may feel that this is too good to be true, most of our customers are skeptical

at first, and who could fault them for that?  So we have devised a simple

common-sense demonstration, using recognizable components, to illustrate

exactly how we will produce these phenomenal savings for your business or


A demonstration is the first step on your road to increased profits and a more

efficient facility.
Once our System is installed at your facility, you will enjoy immediately lowered

electricity costs, as well as a host of “side benefits” attributed to the power

quality improvements created by our energy efficiency system.
The Manufacturers of the Energy Cost Saving devices  PTInc markets have been

supplying their products to their  customers on  the  Global market for more

than  60 years, combined.
When you have made your decision to reduce your overhead and increase

your profit margin, we will perform a survey, analyze the information, and

calculate the value of the savings available for your facility. After you have

studied and approved our proposal and recommendations we can implement

the system installation, and your savings will begin immediately.

At PTInc, we are dedicated to Improving Efficiency and saving our client’s money.
Your satisfaction will always be our prime objective.

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